China Blocks Bosy's Blogs
Bez Of Sista (BOS). Creators: Melly and Angie. Newly included member: KELLY POOH. Hybrids: BOSY, BOZY and BOXY. Origin: BOF or BOFFY (Best of Friends). Originator: Ah Seow.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
O Bosy! WOW! You put up so many pictures!! hee...very entertaining! thanks! it cheered me up alot....*smiles charmingly*
Today I had an english lesson with my better class (not the teeny weeny monkeys who are driving me nuts!) and they are hilarious! I did like an informal mini-debate based on a newspaper article i gave them, so that they can understand the article in an interesting way! haha...had fun listening to them engaged in their funny funny presentations!
The topic sentence was:
"Should maids be given a day off?"
Boys were lobbying for "NO" and girls lobbying for "YES". For and Against *nods* heheheh
I write down the points ok? hahaha
1) They may be cheated by people
2) They will spend too much money
3) To prevent them from getting raped, molest, and pregnant
4) To prevent them form getting into uneccessary trouble for themselves and their employers
5) To prevent them from getting bad influence
6) They might go missing or even get into an argument with someone leading to police cases
7) Prevent them from getting into trouble
8) Security bond
9) No break/ rest. Work 24/7
10) Spend money
11) If they get into more trouble, they will have to pay a large sum of money
1) Because they are humans themselves and they need rest too after working for 6 days.
2) They should be given free time to go out with their friends, at the same time to release their stress, or they would feel that they are being "caged".
(But, however they should be tracked and have time limit to reach home)
3) They also want to enjoy their youth
4) Repay back the gratitude that they had served
OK! yup...u should have sit-in man bosy. they are really hilarious when i allowed them a little free-easy verbal arguments after they presented their points on majong paper. so cute....
o ignore all the grammar mistakes and funny phrasing...cos the idea is not to pinpoint them on those stuff!! but to try elicit their speaking and verbalisastion of ideas and comprehension of the article!
YAY! they made my day! =)
Saturday, July 22, 2006
i went to movie world today!hahahahah..i took this ride called ESCAPE..wah lao...scream and scream and just all came out in a GUSH and just as i tot i could scream no more..guess wat? I CONTINUED SCREAMING..hahahahahahahah..but it was scarrryyy *woooo ghostly music* oke! haha..check out the almost vertical incline...hahahaha..i shld hav taken a pic of the 'MRT' (which stands for the metropolis rapid transit and not mass rapid transit btw) for u...cos! ther was a superman pushing it frm bhind..hahahaha...he looks damn corny sticking out frm the back of the train..haha! wah lao..we waited SO LONG for e ride can..almost gave up waiting..cos it started to rain..den they couldnt send the ride out in e we had to wait 4 e drizzle to stop b4 e ride could resume...heng we didnt leave e q man..i was DAMN excited when i sat in e seat waiting 4 e ride to start man...but i had to contain my excitement cos i had to act the part of the calm person and reassure e guy nxt to me..hah!! in e end..i ended up killing his hearing on one side!wahhahahahahah..owell..*shrugs* at least his hearing got killed by me and not by some bomb blast (?!?!?!?!)
den den! i also took this lethal weapon ride..wahahahahhaha..wah lao! it was a feet-dangling, hair-raising, body-turning, arms-flailing experience...we were turned and twisted, flung and thrown, zoomed into e air and almost smashed into the was COOL thou..*NODS* but my head got swung frm side to side and it kept hitting the (supposedly ther for our "PROTECTION") head rest thingy..wah lao...ears were damn pain aft tt can! my poor ears..
and i ended off my day with a ride up the wet 'mountain' of water..hahaha..think it was a 5story splashed like mad! and wah LAO it was FREEZING aft tt...the kids in front of us did nthg to block the water frm spraying onto us..cos they were too short...for once i see the advantages of being short man..=p wahhaha

this is how high it is!!!! COOL HUH! it was cold..but i was 'cooler' cos i was licking my ice cream..yum yum!

ok..didnt take a pic of the actual ride..BUT! here i am pointing to the SIGN of the ride! wahahahah

look at the 'mountain' bhind me!!!
oke..tts all for now..tts all e pics i took w my phone..will upload more frm eil's cam when she passes them to me!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
O kelly.....
bosy..hahaha i realised i forgot to show u wat kelly looks like now! hahaha..thou u just saw him like 2wks back frm when i saw him...and this is like 3wks aft i saw its not like now now..but like now 3wks back plus the number of days ure reading this aft i blog abt it..hahahah..BUT anywayyyyy...this is to thank dear ole kelly for kindly letting me and hj crash at his place while we were VISITING him in shanghai.. *bows head in silence for a split second* ok..tribute for the good stuff!!!

haha! this is SOME toilet man..damn cool place..thou...hmm..think i kinda just spoilt e 'surprise' for u already..ahha..nvm..if kelly brings u ther nxt time u can just act surprised oke! haha..but! aiyah! no need to worry la! PLENTY of other surprises await u! *WINK wriggle eyebrows WINK*

we went to 西湖 over e wkend..missed e 1st train ther (wl..we really dun blame u!h =p) .... went ther see the lake..

see pools of water..

sit boat to see more pools of water..

e only historical site we visited was in 航州..(nt even sure if u can consider it as a historical site...hmmm..hahahah..) we went to visit 岳飛‘s temple, which was built in honor of him and i managed to identify the statues of the bad ppl who 油條 originated from *PROUD* shows i was listening during SOME chinese lesson at SOME point in my student life..hahaha..yes yes..wipe tt look of astonishment off ur smirking faces...TSK..

and for the ppl who dun believe tt we managed to find 5yuan is e proof!!!!

ya..well..tts all....well not REALLY all..but all im willing and able to blog tonite anyway! haha..shits..getting hungry..*tummy growls* must b all the pics of the food tt ive been staring at for the past hr and a half...tskkkkk..bon appetite!!! O! eil bot krispy kreme frm e sydney airport!! i will help myself to one tom..hahaha..not tonite..not now..nonono *shakes finger* bcos the most impt lesson that u have to learn if u hav taken nthg else frm this is to ..