i went to movie world today!hahahahah..i took this ride called ESCAPE..wah lao...scream and scream and just all came out in a GUSH and just as i tot i could scream no more..guess wat? I CONTINUED SCREAMING..hahahahahahahah..but it was scarrryyy *woooo ghostly music* oke! haha..check out the almost vertical incline...hahahaha..i shld hav taken a pic of the 'MRT' (which stands for the metropolis rapid transit and not mass rapid transit btw) for u...cos! ther was a superman pushing it frm bhind..hahahaha...he looks damn corny sticking out frm the back of the train..haha! wah lao..we waited SO LONG for e ride can..almost gave up waiting..cos it started to rain..den they couldnt send the ride out in e we had to wait 4 e drizzle to stop b4 e ride could resume...heng we didnt leave e q man..i was DAMN excited when i sat in e seat waiting 4 e ride to start man...but i had to contain my excitement cos i had to act the part of the calm person and reassure e guy nxt to me..hah!! in e end..i ended up killing his hearing on one side!wahhahahahahah..owell..*shrugs* at least his hearing got killed by me and not by some bomb blast (?!?!?!?!)
den den! i also took this lethal weapon ride..wahahahahhaha..wah lao! it was a feet-dangling, hair-raising, body-turning, arms-flailing experience...we were turned and twisted, flung and thrown, zoomed into e air and almost smashed into the was COOL thou..*NODS* but my head got swung frm side to side and it kept hitting the (supposedly ther for our "PROTECTION") head rest thingy..wah lao...ears were damn pain aft tt can! my poor ears..
and i ended off my day with a ride up the wet 'mountain' of water..hahaha..think it was a 5story splashed like mad! and wah LAO it was FREEZING aft tt...the kids in front of us did nthg to block the water frm spraying onto us..cos they were too short...for once i see the advantages of being short man..=p wahhaha

this is how high it is!!!! COOL HUH! it was cold..but i was 'cooler' cos i was licking my ice cream..yum yum!

ok..didnt take a pic of the actual ride..BUT! here i am pointing to the SIGN of the ride! wahahahah

look at the 'mountain' bhind me!!!
oke..tts all for now..tts all e pics i took w my phone..will upload more frm eil's cam when she passes them to me!
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