O kelly.....
bosy..hahaha i realised i forgot to show u wat kelly looks like now! hahaha..thou u just saw him like 2wks back frm when i saw him...and this is like 3wks aft i saw him..so its not like now now..but like now 3wks back plus the number of days ure reading this aft i blog abt it..hahahah..BUT anywayyyyy...this is to thank dear ole kelly for kindly letting me and hj crash at his place while we were VISITING him in shanghai.. *bows head in silence for a split second* ok..tribute over...now for the good stuff!!!

haha! this is SOME toilet man..damn cool place..thou...hmm..think i kinda just spoilt e 'surprise' for u already..ahha..nvm..if kelly brings u ther nxt time u can just act surprised oke! haha..but! aiyah! no need to worry la! PLENTY of other surprises await u! *WINK wriggle eyebrows WINK*

we went to 西湖 over e wkend..missed e 1st train ther (wl..we really dun blame u!h =p) .... went ther see the lake..

see pools of water..

sit boat to see more pools of water..

e only historical site we visited was in 航州..(nt even sure if u can consider it as a historical site...hmmm..hahahah..) we went to visit 岳飛‘s temple, which was built in honor of him and i managed to identify the statues of the bad ppl who 油條 originated from *PROUD* shows i was listening during SOME chinese lesson at SOME point in my student life..hahaha..yes yes..wipe tt look of astonishment off ur smirking faces...TSK..

and for the ppl who dun believe tt we managed to find 5yuan kara...here is e proof!!!!

ya..well..tts all....well not REALLY all..but all im willing and able to blog tonite anyway! haha..shits..getting hungry..*tummy growls* must b all the pics of the food tt ive been staring at for the past hr and a half...tskkkkk..bon appetite!!! O! eil bot krispy kreme frm e sydney airport!! i will help myself to one tom..hahaha..not tonite..not now..nonono *shakes finger* bcos the most impt lesson that u have to learn if u hav taken nthg else frm this is to ..

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