necessity is the mother of all invention

desperate times call 4 desperate measures!
WAHAHAHAHA..check out my tiles?? hahahah..its to remind me of e game..all tts lacking is e bai2 ban3...otherwise..perfection!

my room is really cool too!! je te presente....mon suite! (i duno wat's room in french!) i'll give u a walk ard tour...
take a step in......n u will step onto my nice furry red carpet...(my roomie eil bot it!)

this is my lil n white...v cluttered!!!! ahahahaha..

and my bed!! haha..check out my v BRIGHT colored bedsheets!!!! n my RED bedside table! wahhahahaa..n my RED wastepaper basket! thers e huge bear tt huijing n shumin gave me..along with strawberry shortcake!!!!
u noe tt ther are alot of cutesy strawberry shortcake stuff here!!!! fren has e CLOCK!!!!! SO KAWAIIII!!! hahaha..luve it!!!

i went slightly mad tt day at ikea..buying my chair n bedside table n clothes hanger n laundry bag n lil plastic box..wanted to buy EVERYTHING in ther man!! haha....missed out ikea trips..goin to look@furniture n eating meatballs! i didnt hav time to eat e meatballs here thou...mayb they taste diff here! hahaahh..
nxt up....
a tour ard e house/appt/place/pad/home 4 e nxt 2yrs!

my spanking clean toilet!!!!! i washed e basin area, shower area, floor, toilet n toilet seat...blah blah..wah..duno how e prev occupant managed to survive with such a disgustingly DIRTY toilet man...ewwwwwww..*shudder* ... n *shudders again* gross i tell u..
butttt enuf of it smells like euclyptus! hahaha..cos of e disinfectent i used!

den comes e kitchen! and wher i will whip up all my na1 shou3 hao3 cai4! (i.e. spaghetti n maggie mee) hahahahahaha..i will learn to cook MORE stuff! NOE! hahahaa...i'll slowly think of cool stuff to cook..but..haiyohhhh..damn lazy to cook lehhh..=p

(p/s this blog took me SO long to do...e sun's coming up! hahahah..but its only 421 here!)