bosy! do u have kids in the class that are able to read better than they understand what they are reading??? if so..they might b someone with hyperlexia!
** Hyperlexia: the precocious ability to read words, usually before the age of 5, without prior formal training in learning to read (Aaron, 1989) but showing a impaired comprehension as compared to reading ability
i was reading a journal article re. a child with hyperlexia and ASD and he had a bout of therapy and hes doing well now..but imagine w/o therapy! the poor kid would have been facing so many problems in school! and i found this quote from it really sad.yet at the same time..its so typically ASD-y type thing to say
"Sometimes my sense of humor confuses me. It's a rare circumstance that I laugh at funny stories, while other people around me crack up. Even if I were to stand up on a chair, it would go over my head."
think about it...
Aaron, P.G. (1989). Dylexia and hyperlexia. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
Craig, H.K. & Sexton, A. (2005). Hyperlexia and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study of Scaffolding Language Growth Over Time. Topics in Language Disorders. 25(4), 364-374.