Sunday, March 18, 2007


bosy! do u have kids in the class that are able to read better than they understand what they are reading??? if so..they might b someone with hyperlexia!

** Hyperlexia: the precocious ability to read words, usually before the age of 5, without prior formal training in learning to read (Aaron, 1989) but showing a impaired comprehension as compared to reading ability

i was reading a journal article re. a child with hyperlexia and ASD and he had a bout of therapy and hes doing well now..but imagine w/o therapy! the poor kid would have been facing so many problems in school! and i found this quote from it really sad.yet at the same time..its so typically ASD-y type thing to say

"Sometimes my sense of humor confuses me. It's a rare circumstance that I laugh at funny stories, while other people around me crack up. Even if I were to stand up on a chair, it would go over my head."

think about it...

Aaron, P.G. (1989). Dylexia and hyperlexia. Boston: Kluwer Academic.

Craig, H.K. & Sexton, A. (2005). Hyperlexia and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study of Scaffolding Language Growth Over Time. Topics in Language Disorders. 25(4), 364-374.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Spongepants Squarebob???

OBOSY!!!! guess wat!!! my frend (tracy) is hilarious!!!! she thought SB was spongepants squarebob! ahhahahahahahahahaahhahaha..that was just freaking hilarious man..couldnt stop laughing when she told me...*SNIGGER*..and guess wat she (tracy) and another frend of mine (zee) got me?????? a SB plastic baggy..e type u can attach to ur ring folder so u can put stuff like pencils and tongue depressors and a museli bar (to lug around in the hospital) so you dont keep losing your stuff as u troop ard the hospital..anyway! it is very cool oK! everytime i look at it i feel damn happy..hahahah..super cute will bring back and show u! prolly doesnt look very professional! but! hahahahah..its damn cute! i love it!!