Tuesday, March 29, 2005

My India project

Last saturday, my india troopers had a trekkin session from machritchie to bukit timah. We had a facilitation session at the latter location, and some of us were suppose to share our "Life Journey". I thought it was going to be some light-hearted sharing session; you know the usual stuff like..i'm born on bla bla at bla bla, went to bla bla school, bla bla bla. Some of them said the bla bla blas, while some of them actually share very very touching sides of their world. For instance, a girl(whom i gave a secret code of "purplelady") talked about her dad being depressed and about death. It got so bad, that she had to stop for a moment due to her crying.
Another girl talked about death of her grandparent and first-time seeing her daddy cry.And she cried on the spot too. A very very weird thing was...i felt little sympathy for them. Yeah they cry, but so what? Am i becoming cold blooded? Or am i calmer with clarity for a more challenging job ahead?what the hell job is that?

I think i'm just kinda drowsy now in HV la...i feel weird sayin those words up there. Guess wat? I'm already missing my home! The first face i see wen i step into home-- my dad!!
Think i'll never stay over again.


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