red itching skin...
eating yellow-ed and sweetenly preserved guava now!!! yums..i bot back frm m'sia on e way back frm redang...i must hav looked like an auntie buying rubbish back man!!! I FOUND MY CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omgosh..they sell a big pack 4 3.90RM (= abt <2sgd)....i was damn happy and felt damn cheated..(thou huijing said tt is i yi4 xiang1 qing1 yuan4 get cheated one...=( ) i bot like 5pkts of tt chips and a few bottles of super tasty (i.e. salty) peanuts tt i wanted to get frm thailand but couldnt find them ther and ironically finding them in m'sia....and !O O! tau sa pia!!!! damn yummy!!! hahahaha..2 BIG BAGS full of barang....tsk...hahaha..
show u some pics which we took at redang when i get them frm e various camera owners...we took some really idiotic shots man..hahah...starting with e pic of me and my runny egg yolk!!! wasted this place cant upload videos man ..otherwise i would upload this vid 4 u to c too!! n huijing jumping ard on our bed!! queensized bed...woohoO!

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